Wednesday, December 8, 2010

In the Beginning....

To anyone who may be reading this, welcome to my blog! I am a total newbie to the world of blogging, so I am figuring it out as I go. That is such a funny word: blog. Blog, blog, blog. There, I have gotten it out of my system so we can move on. Why did I start this blog? Oh, I am so glad you asked that question! Mostly for my own amusement, but also for therapeutic reasons. If anyone else gets anything positive out of it, then that is "gravy" as far as I am concerned. (mmm...gravy....)

So, please allow me to introduce myself (am I the only one singing "I'm a man of wealth and taste..."? after that?). My name is Lisa, as you already know, and I reside in Maine with my husband, my 9-year old son and 2 spoiled cats. I really would love to add a dog to the mix, but my husband has issues with dogs that I don't understand, so for now, we are dogless. I am 42 years old, but at times still feel like a teen! I love rock and roll (so put another dime in the jukebox, baby!), New wave and other types of music. I like going to the movies, watching stand-up comedy, scrapbooking, making jewelry (when I am in the mood to make it!), road trips, Pepsi (though I have to settle for diet pepsi, due to diabetes), watching documentaries (seriously, I will watch a doc on almost anything!), reading magazines, watching "True Blood", "Dexter" and "The Office", and many other "likes" I will save for later. Hey, don't want to give it all away on the "first date", right? I am not some blog hussy!! :)

Some of my future posts will be silly, some will be serious and some will defy definition, I am sure. On that note, I will sign off this first post. I think it went well, didn't you? Take care for now and thanks for reading!


  1. I love it!! Seriously, it's great, and funny, just like I knew it would be. I'm so proud of you :) sniff-sniff...

  2. Thanks, Kath!!! You are the best!!
