So, it is Mother's Day, and I hope that all my Mom friends are having a great one! I hope your families are lavishing you with attention, affection and whatever else your heart may desire! I am having a really nice day thus far. I mentioned that my son wrote a poem for me at school, and this morning, he gave me a bouquet of flowers. Actually, his Dad picked them out, but Devin handed them to me, so they are from him! My hubby gave me a cool piece of artwork that I love, and now I am trying to find the perfect place to hang it. But wait, folks, there's more! We just returned home from meeting my in-laws for a Chinese lunch, and all I have to say is: thank God for stretch denim!!!! Whew! Instead of "All-You-Can-Eat", they ought to say "All-You-SHOULD-Eat"! Of course, that wouldn't really deter us, now, would it? We had a really nice time with everyone, I am lucky to have really wonderful in-laws that welcomed me into the family from the very start, and always let me know how much they love me. I love you, too, Carol and Jerry!! Devin had a great time as well, but for a different reason. In the lobby of this restaurant, there were several "gum machines" with various toys and sugary confections. Dev zeroed in on one that sold these tiny ninja figures for 25 cents each, and proceeded to clean out all the quarters we had, until he had amassed an army of 9 little ninja guys. He was so happy with his little "treasures"! Then, when the fortune cookies came, he proceeded to gleefully collect everyone's fortunes! Cheap ninja toys and paper fortunes: a great haul for a 9-year old boy! I was glad that those little things could make him so happy!
Now, I am getting the gift of a little peace and quiet. Tom is outside, repairing things on his car for the upcoming state inspection, and my little monkey is outside as well, running around with a Nerf rifle and playing in his treehouse. I can see him out the window of my craft room, and I love to watch him playing so happily! Plus, when he is out there, the damn squirrels stay out of my bird feeders for a change!!!! I think that as soon as I finish this, I will grab one of the novels I have been meaning to read and head outside to read in the sun. Sounds nice and relaxing to me! Devin has been asking me if I will make him some Rice Krispies treats, but I think I will tell him that it is illegal for Moms to cook for anyone or make treats on Mother's Day. Do you think he will buy that one? No, I don't, either, but that doesn't mean I won't try it!
Again, have a wonderful day everyone, whether you're a mom, a mom to pets or not a mom at all, enjoy this beautiful day!
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