Saturday, July 16, 2011

One of the challenges of a school Summer break in this house is trying to find a few spare minutes of "me time" to do things I want to do. Like...blogging, for instance. Or for crafts (after all, Christmas isn't as far away as we'd all like to think! ACK!). Sure, I am sitting here now, blogging away (and not really saying anything), but not without interruption from my 9-year old ball of energy. I do not play video games (okay, I do confess to a mild addiction to Angry Birds, but I play that on my phone, so it doesn't count, right?) but I know way more about them than I should! Well, maybe that isn't true, because I spend most of the time that he is chatting about games and weapons and strategies nodding and pretending to listen! I zone out and take a mental vacation to somewhere serene....ahhhh. As I finished that sentence, my son burst into the room to go on about some game he likes, and to urge me to try them. And, as I typed that sentence, came interruption #2.

It hasn't been all about video games, though, thankfully. Last night, we took him to a local baseball game. I am not a baseball fan, so for me it was boring, but the guys liked it and I like seeing them happy, so it wasn't too unbearable. It was a beautiful night, warm and breezy, and it was nice to just be out of the house for once!

Before the game, my son and I went to see the new Harry Potter movie, because I just couldn't wait to see it any longer!!! To say I loved it would be an understatement. I won't give any spoilers at all, but I will say that I found the film to be moving, exhilirating, witty....anything you could ask for in such a movie, really. I will also say that I was not the only one in the crowd who was sniffling or fumbling for a tissue at certain moments! The moment the credits began to roll, I wanted to see it again! Maybe I can talk the hubby into taking me to see it again.

I'm going to stop here. I am too distracted at the moment to form a complete thought, let alone write one. Just wanted to check in and say hello!

1 comment:

  1. One of the sad paradoxes for moms--there is no "ME" in "TIME" (All the dictionaries must have it spelled incorrectly!)
