Monday, February 21, 2011

She's baa-aack!

A very good friend (that I miss alot!!) recently called me out (not by name, she's too nice for that) for being a lazy blogger. Okay, I am paraphrasing there, but you get the point! :) Fact is, she is right. I noticed that my last post was around December 13, and I am tsk tsk-ing myself as we "speak".

My only excuse is Seasonal Affective Disorder (aka: SAD, how appropriate!!). After the holidays, like many people, I go into a bit of a funk and have no energy whatsoever. All I want to do is sleep and eat (and eat, and eat....), and I really have to kick myself in the ass on a daily basis to paint on the smile and do the things I need to do. I have a son that needs me, volunteer work at school, meals to plan, laundry piling up, errands to run, a litterbox to scoop, cats to feed, house to keep, and so on and so on. I'm not complaining about all those daily tasks, just frustrated that I lack the energy to do them. I see so many "super moms" when I am at Devin's school. You know, those women who seem to have it all together and just live to "run" the school. I am happy to be involved in Devin's education as long as he needs me, but otherwise, I can't really relate to those women. They make me feel inferior because I don't spend every waking moment at school and I don't have perfect hair, perfect wardrobe or the perfect body to display said wardrobe on. I'm just me, and I have to believe that is good enough. Also, are those women really as they portray themselves in public, or are they imperfect like me?

And to my good friend that called me out, let me say that I am soooo tempted to copy and paste your last two blog entries, because I saw myself in every word....except the Mimi staying over part! It makes me sad that we were out of each other's lives for so many years, because we feel so many things the same way. But that is old news and we must move forward! You rock, Girlfriend!!

In other news, the Oscars are coming up in a few days, and for once I have actually seen 6 out of the 10 nominees for best picture! Usually I am lucky if I have seen one or two. I haven't seen "The Fighter" yet, and would like to. I have heard "The King's Speech" is great, but haven't seen that either. Would love to see Natalie Portman win for "Black Swan", but also think that Jennifer Lawrence was outstanding in "Winter's Bone". That's just my opinion, and it is my blog, so there ya go.

Until next time....

1 comment:

  1. Actually, it's not Rob, it's me, Kath. Somehow I commented under Rob's account. ANYWAY. That was beautiful, I'm so glad you're "back" :) I totally feel the extra lack of motivation, specially with all the snow, I just want to stay inside and sleep and eat too. Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, Lucy won't let me sleep all day. She has this thing called "endless energy", I don't totally understand what that means, but I DO know that it can be really time consuming.

    I also feel "confused" by those super moms, they just make me feel bad about myself. Especially the ones who have a few kids, how can they be so together? I can barely handle one kid. I have to make myself believe that it's not the whole picture, that they have their own issues and insecurities, but that is hard to believe sometimes.

    Here's hoping spring comes soon, and with it a little motivation.

    P.S. You also rock!
