Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Blue morning, blue day

The title of this post is a lyric from a Foreigner song, but that is not the song of the day. It actually describes how I have been feeling the past few days. I won't go on and on about that, but I have been asking myself this question: why is it that when it comes to my friends, I am happy to be there for them anytime they need me, for whatever reason, yet when I really need to talk to someone, I don't because I feel like I am "bothering" them with my problems/feelings? I'm not saying that THEY feel that way, I am saying that I do. I feel like I am "butting in" to their lives, even if they say otherwise. Why do I feel this way? Why do I value others, yet not myself? That's all, just wondered about that.

Since I have been so blue the past few days, I have chosen a silly, upbeat song for today. The song is "Punk Rock Girl" by the Dead Milkmen, from their 1988 CD, "Beelzebubba". The Dead Milkmen are described as a "satirical punk band" on Wikipedia, and I couldn't have said it better myself. Their music has no nutritional value whatsoever, more like the musical equivalent of eating a box of Twinkies (mmm, Twinkies.....), but damn it, it makes me happy to listen to it!!! And, who could resist a punk song that name-checks Minnie Pearl?? Anyone?? Twenty-three years after its' release, it still makes me smile everytime I hear it.


  1. I feel the EXACT SAME way about "bothering " other people with my problems and/or feelings. What is wrong with us???? We really should bother each other with our problems, sounds like we have the same problems and feelings anyway :)

    P.S. I've been feeling blue all week too, and the prospect of snow Friday does not help :(((

  2. You're so right!! We should "bother" each other with our feelings/problems! We could probably help each other out alot!! What IS wrong with us, anyway????
