Friday, March 18, 2011

Bonus Song of the Day

I just got home from running errands, and really want to post a second song of the day! It is just such a beautiful day, and I was cruising with the windows open, listening to the 80's station on Sirius/XM radio when this song came one. You 80's fans all know this one, it is "Where's the Party" by Madonna from the "True Blue" album, pictured here: This song just put me in such a fun, weekend mood that I wanted to share that with you. I have been a Madonna fan since the early 80's, when her first album was released, and I still love her music today. Plus, she puts on the best concerts! I love the theatrics of a Madonna show--the dancing, the sets, the costumes, I love it all! Now in her 50's, she is still in killer shape, though I don't think I would want to be quite as muscular as she is. Looks great on her, though. Remember when Guy Richie said of Madonna that she was like cuddling up with a piece of gristle? That's just cold, but I kind of chuckled anyway, which was evil of me. Anyhoo, I have seen Madonna twice over the years--in 1990 on the "Blonde Ambition" Tour and in '93 on the "Girle Show" Tour. For the latter show, I traveled to Montreal on a bus with 3 friends, and had sooooo much fun! Great times.For now, I am off! Take care, all!

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