Thursday, March 17, 2011

It's a beautiful day, don't let it get away.....

Just got home from a parent/teacher conference, where I received Devin's report card. I was happy to once again get a great report card and the teacher said great things about Devin. She said he has wonderful work habits, gets his work done on time, is well-liked by his classmates, etc. The only criticism she had (and I saw this one coming, believe me) was that he needs to stop talking to one of his buddies in class and getting distracted. Wow, that took me back to my grade school days. "Lisa talks too much in class" was pretty common to hear from my teachers!! Apple doesn't fall too far from the tree there! Oh well. I am still so proud of my kid!

And NOW....(drumroll, please)'s time for....SONG OF THE DAY!!! Yippee! Begin the fanfare now! Without further ado, my song of the day is: "One Day in Your Life" by Anastacia, from her CD, "Freak of Nature". (released in 2002)
This is one of my all-time favorite songs, especially for car-singing! Anastacia has such an incredible voice! She is an American singer-songwriter, a breast cancer survivor and she is hugely famous in Europe, Asia, South Africa & South America. Not so much here in her native land, which is a shame, because she is so talented. Please, if you've never heard this song, check it out and play it loud. If you love car-singing as I do, I hope this will become part of your playlist!

Take care!

1 comment:

  1. Hooray Devin, sounds like he's doing great! That's so funny about the talking too much in class, I was the complete opposite, I don't think I said a single word in class all through school. I'm not even sure the kids or teachers even knew I existed. I wonder what Lucy will be like??
