Friday, March 11, 2011


This morning, I made pillsbury breadsticks (& heated up pizza sauce for dipping) for my son's breakfast. Is that weird? He isn't really a fan of cereal or eggs, and he was getting tired of choc-chip pancakes, so I was running out of options. I served the breadsticks & sauce with a peeled orange & a glass of milk, so I figured I had 3 of the food groups covered! Not that Devin complained, he loved it! I'm of the opinion that as long as he has some healthy food in his tummy when he goes to school, it doesn't have to be traditional breakfast fare. Plus, we all know that kids LOVE foods they can dip into sauces. Come to think of it, I kind of like that, too! I stayed away from the breadsticks and ate my little bowl of Fiber One twig cereal. I say, cardboard YES, Mr. Fiber One guy in the commercial!!! Fiber One and a big glass O' water. Mmm-mmm, that's good eatin'!

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