Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Don't Be a Drag, Just Be a Queen

How much do I LOVE that song?? I was just thinking about how incredibly cool it is that there are currently so many songs about being who you are and loving that person out right now. Whether you like each of these pop songs or not, isn't it great that young people today have them to let them know that they are okay just the way they are? Hell, it's great for anyone MY age to have these songs, because self-esteem issues have no age limit, unfortunately. I am talking about songs such as: "Raise Your Glass" & F@*#ing Perfect (all hail Pink!!), "Born this Way" by Ms. Lady Gaga, "Firework" by Katy Perry, and so on and so on. I know I am probably omitting some other examples, but you get the point. The message is LOVE YOURSELF THE WAY YOU ARE! Something I have struggled with all of my life, and a message that never really gets old. Those of you who, like me, feel really unloveable sometimes, I want you to focus on your many wonderful qualities and realize how fabulous you really are! I won't name names, but you know who you are. And, yes, I plan to practice what I preach. I'm not saying we will be magically imbued with self-confidence, but what a great start, huh?

Not much else shakin' around the ole' homestead today. My van is having some radiator issues, so I am only driving when absolutely necessary. I have a lovely view of the backyard from my craft room window, and it sure is nice to see the sun again today! I should be cleaning up the clutter in said craft room, but if I just stare out the window, I don't see it, so the clutter therefore doesn't exist, right? RIGHT???? Oh, it doesn't work that way? Can't blame a girl for trying.

Woke up at 2:00 a.m. to what sounded like an animal crying out outside. Never heard anything like it. Sounded like it could have been a wounded cat, but when Tom went outside to check it out, the sound suddenly stopped. Whatever it was must have been scared off. Still, it bothered me, because maybe it was someone's pet. I hope not, but still I wonder.

With that, I will return to my chores. Laundry doesn't do itself, you know, and as hard as I have tried, I still can't get the cats to clean out their own litterbox. I think I will go put on one of those inspirational songs I mentioned above and make these chores a little more fun. Oh, and I dusted off my Wii Fit board this morning and did 30 minutes of aerobics. It's a start, right?

Until next time.....

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