Wednesday, April 13, 2011

April showers

I had to wipe my cat's ass yesterday. Do I have your attention? LOL! Yes, it is true. I actually had to wipe my cat's ass!!!! I suppose I can't just say something like that and move on, so here's what happened: afternoon, Devin enjoying his after-school videogame time, me lounging on my bed to watch an episode of "Everybody Loves Raymond" before starting the evening meal. I was cooking a gourmet meal of Kraft macaroni & cheese with chopped broccoli (Devin LOVES this, especially with hamburger in it as well) so I needed to rest up for that! Anyhoo, as I was lounging and laughing at some dumb thing Raymond said, one of my cats, the male, jumped up onto the bed for attention. As soon as he jumped up, the smell followed him. I knew that smell, and knew it wasn't coming from me, so that left only one answer. The smell was strong, but I was afraid to check out the source. Still, it was on MY BED, so I cautiously lifted up his tail (and we all know how much cats "love" that!) to see what horror awaited me. I was in no way prepared for the mess before me! And, since the thought of the cat washing it off himself, in the way cats wash themselves, truly grossed me out, I ran for the paper towels. This was probably a job for Brawny paper towels, but I didn't have that brand, so they didn't quite cut it. Naturally, this pissed off the cat, so I had to grab him by the scruff of the neck and wipe with the other. Finally, a wet cleaning rag got the job done. I threw out the rag, scrubbed my hands in boiling water and told the cat "no offense, but no eye contact for awhile". As disturbing as it was, I am proud to say...not one scratch on me! No bloodshed, though I could tell he wanted to!!! There, that is the TMI story of the day! Don't worry, I won't make that a regular feature!! LOL

What is a regular feature is the song of the day! Let the fanfare begin!!! Today's song is: "Black Coffee in Bed" by Squeeze, from their album "Sweets From a Stranger". I heard this classic today while out running errands, and had the best time singing along with it!! I saw Squeeze in concert for the second time (first time was in the late '80's) last Summer, when they were touring with Cheap Trick, and they sounded as great as ever! How do I love Squeeze? Let me count the ways! Okay, I won't, but you get the point. Great band, great song. 'Nuff said.

Today, I went to a 'poetry coffeehouse' at my son's school. The kids each got up to read poetry they'd written, then favorite poems by other authors. Their original poetry was so good, and as at any poetry slam, we all snapped our fingers in lieu of applause. The Principal ("remember, there's not only a 'prince' in 'principal, there's a 'pal' in there, too!" name that movie!) came in to read a favorite poem of his, and it was "Nothing Gold Can Stay" by Robert Frost, which was featured in the novel & movie "The Outsiders"! I loved "The Outsiders" when it came out and I loved that poem so much as well.

1 comment:

  1. Ugh, that is disgusting! Sorry you had to go through that trauma! I think I would have thrown Hammy outside in the rain and not let him back until he was clean :)
