Wednesday, April 27, 2011

It is with some hesitation that I begin this blog post. Not sure why, but for the past week I have barely looked at my computer, aside from the quick check of the e-mail. I blame a mixture of a kid being home for school vacation (he is back at school this week), fatigue, depression and just a general feeling that I have nothing interesting to say. Nobody is a bigger critic of me than me, which I am really trying hard to overcome. It is a daunting task to undo decades of that little voice in my head that constantly taunts me and tells me I am not good enough, etc, but rest assured, I am in hand to hand combat with that little bastard and I intend to emerge victorious!!! One thing I have learned about myself over the past few years is that I am a hell of a lot stronger than I give myself credit for, and I have a touch of a stubborn streak that I believe will serve me well in this war! (You can't see this, but right now, I am holding my right arm up over my head, as if wielding a sword! Okay, not really....)

So, what else have I been up to? Well, planting and Spring cleaning. I might have mentioned before that I have a couple cardboard boxes set up, that I am filling up with "stuff" to donate to Goodwill. As soon as those babies are full, off they go, and no looking back! This is the time of year when we all realize the clutter is beginning to dominate the house, is it not? When my son is at school, I take a box and a garbage bag into his room and go to town! I can't do this when he is home, because even if he catches me donating or throwing away a toy or item of clothing that he doesn't or can't use any longer, it all-of-a-sudden becomes his favorite thing in the world that he cannot possibly part with! He carries on like it is a life-or-death matter! Sure, I could just go ahead and argue with him that these things are no longer needed and that others need them more, but I have done that ad nauseum, so I have decided that the ole' "pick your battles" route is the way to go in this case. This way, I get rid of clutter, and he has not once missed anything of his I have donated! Win-win!!

As for gardening....well, I am no expert in this area at all. However, I like fresh veggies, so I have decided to give it a try this year. I have started mostly veggies, but a few flowers, too, to pretty up the yard a bit. I'm winging it, here, so the results could be interesting to say the least! I might start posting pix every so often for your amusement!

Okay, without further ado, it is back!!! Song of the Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The way I have been sporadically blogging, though, it is more like song of the week lately! Anyhoo, today's song is an 80's flashback by the awesome Cher! The song is called "Perfection", and it is one of my favorite songs of hers. Oh, and it can be found on this album: It is the one that also contains "I Found Someone", "We All Sleep Alone", etc. I used to blow out more pairs of cheap speakers with this song!!! It starts out soft and quiet, then the pounding drums start, which was more than my cheap speakers could handle. Of course, I had the song cranked at the time, which I guess was wrong. No, I will never say loud music is wrong!! What is the matter with me???

On that note, I conclude today's entry. Take care!

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